Avery Dennison Family Christmas Day 2021

在過去一年,我們都以線上形式參與活動,感恩於2021年年尾疫情終於緩和下來,今年在聖誕節我們為Avery Dennison 於辦公室內舉辦一連兩場的大型聖誕嘉年華活動及裝飾,為各位同事及家屬帶來一個溫暖、歡樂的節日。

Show Use Event Limited 在這次活動中提供一站式線上活動策劃及管理服務、娛樂及演出服務、聖誕工作坊及攤位遊戲、即製小食及派對到會服務等,務求創作一個適合大人小朋友共同歡度的聖誕派對。


In the past year, we have been participating in online events more than a onsite event. We are thankful that the epidemic has finally subsided by the end of 2021. This year, we organized two large-scale Christmas carnivals and decorations for Avery Dennison in our office to bring warmth and joy to our colleagues and family members.

Show Use Event Limited provided one-stop online event planning and management services, entertainment and performance services, Christmas workshops and booth games, ready-made snacks and party attendance services to create a Christmas party for children and adults alike.

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